OF-Operating Force: The force applied to the actuator required to operate the switch contacts
RF-Releasing Force: The value to which the force on the actuator must be reduced to allow the contacts to return to the normal position
TTF-Total Travel Force: The force required for the actuator to reach the total travel position from the free position.
PT-Pretravel: The distance or angle through which the actuator moves from the free position to the operating position.
OT-Overtravel: The distance or angle of the actuator movement beyond the operating position.
MD-Movement Difference: The distance or angle from the operating position to the releasing position.
TT-Total Travel: The sum of the pretravel and total over travel expressed as a distance or angle
FP-Free Position: The initial position of the actuator when no external force is applied.
OP-Operating Position: The position of the actuator at which the contacts snap to the operated contact position.
RP-Releasing Position: The position of the actuator at which the contacts snap from the operated contact position to their normal position.
TTP-Total Travel Position: The position of the actuator when it reaches the stopper.